Mini Dutchy

Delicious bite-size cheese from Holland

Introducing Mini Dutchy

Mini Dutchy. Delicious bite-size cheese from Holland. RCLM was asked to create the brandname, look-and-feel and packaging for this unique product. Tipically Dutch cheese in a shape that refers to the well-known Dutch cheese wheels. Our direct inspiration developing the name and the design.

The Dutch heritage is all over the product, from packaging till taste. This makes the product an ultimate export product and a tourist-focused product. Exactly like it was meant to be. When we started the concept, our client Diverspack was still developing the product itself. We started off with a tickling trade presentation so the client was able to introduce their new product in an early stage on a big trade fair. An outstanding viewing box only accessible for intimate relations. Apparently the hunger was created immediately as soon afterwards we where able to develop the style and packaging. Nowadays on the shelf in the UK and hopefully soon also available in our home base. We ourselves can’t get enough and would love to take them anywhere. The ideal snack always and everywhere.

There’s nothing so tasteful as the original Dutch cheese

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